Monday, February 16, 2009

Dare #2 With a Wink and a Smile

Well, well. Winking could prevent me from being seen as 'girlfriend material'? I am intrigued!

I'll be winking away all week. If you decide to play along, tell me how it goes.

Until Saturday...unless of course this winking gets me charged with solicitation!


Lost said...

I am fascinated by this dare and by the comment in previous post that a guy would think a wink from a woman would mean, "not gf material". Would the reverse apply?

My current crush, winks at me....A LOT and the consensus from guys is that it's a bit weird. But, that he probably does like me.

Maybe I'll join in this dare and test it on crush and then ask if that means I'm not GF material.

Just kidding. But, I may try this on someone else!

Keep us posted! This dare stuff is awesome!

rachaelgking said...

@Lost: That's what I said! Crazy, right? But my friend is a gentleman of 30 something years... and not an idiot by any means. We shall see!